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Mindfulness based stress and pain reduction course
Teacher: Cheryl Moolman
Dates: Monday 17th October to Monday 21st November from 5 to 7pm
A 6-week course, including a Saturday morning ‘’ Retreat “half day, this date to be announced
Cost R3,750
This course is suitable for anyone struggling with issues of pain, stress and anxiety, or those just curious as how Mindfulness Practices can assist with bringing more ease, calm and health into everyday life.
No previous experience is necessary
Mindfulness is the practice of paying alert, kind, non-judgmental present moment attention to our experiences All too often we function on automatic pilot, i.e. our bodies being in one place but our minds drifting off into the future or past, often with thoughts of worry, regret, self-recrimination, or even into fantasy and story of how we think things ought to be.
What this means is that we bypass the moment-to-moment teachings and experiences of our lives, often missing important clues and cues as to what may be needing our attention.
Mindfulness practice orientates us to experiences as they are happening with the opportunity to explore more deeply about ourselves. In this way we can learn to understand and take care of ourselves more fully.
Mindfulness practice can enable us to:
During this course we will explore:
Sitting, walking, and lying meditations
Mindful movement practices
Breath work and awareness of breath
Stress and how stress resilience can enhance our health and wellness
Sleep and tools for more restorative rest
During these practices modifications can be made for those struggling with movement and/or pain. We will also spend time on close enquiry, with ongoing curiosity around our experiences as we practice and explore together.
This course structure is based on the work of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Participants will be required to have a short interview with me prior to the course, which will include completing two questionnaires.
You will also be asked to commit to the full course including your own practice of 30 - 45 minutes a day at home.
The course is structured such that one week flows into the next.
As we progress through the weeks, the group becomes an important part of the teaching, we learn from each other and through each other.
I am a Physiotherapist with over 20 years’ experience working with back and chronic pain. I completed my Mindfulness Teaching certification through the University of Stellenbosch in 2017.
My Physio practice is in Meadowridge, teaching Pilates/ movement classes, working with post-surgical spinal rehabilitation and chronic pain. Mindfulness practice has been immensely valuable to me, both personally and professionally.
Please contact me if you would like any further information.
Mindfulness is the practice or ability to be fully present, aware of what we are doing and where we are, without judgement, and not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by our experiences. These practices, whether Body Scan, Mindful Movement or Breathing Awareness, can have positive outcomes on reducing stress, anxiety, easing pain and reducing risks of heart disease and illness.
This 8 week mindfulness course offers an in-depth focus on the practices of Mindfulness, to reduce stress and assist with management of chronic pain. Just as we exercise regularly to keep our bodies healthy and strong, regular Mindfulness techniques will strengthen our muscles of awareness. This course provides a deeper look at these practices and how we can assimilate them into our daily lives
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